Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Seeing someone waiving at you, and waiving back, full of smiles.
Then you realize they aren't waiving at you, but at the person behind you.  Your hand immediately goes to your hair like you're smoothing it out.  They noticed, but they are pretending they didn't.



Having a booger somewhere while talking to someone. 
Especially if you blew your nose (or picked it I guess) at somepoint and a booger was transported from your nose to somewhere else on your face. Like your cheek or on top of your nose.
You just can't look cool doing this.  And even if you think no one has noticed ...everyone has.



Pure awkwardness is born in elevators. It never, ever fails.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bus Awkward.

When the person sitting beside you on the bus falls asleep with their head on your shoulder.

When you're the person falling asleep with your head on someone else's shoulder.
More Awkward.

Friday, August 6, 2010

awkward things find me...

and if they don't, I usually end up making them awkward by mistake. Awkward.

My first awkward story for you:

One time I was at a shop in Ireland and I had to sneeze. ...I was holding something in both hands so I didn't know what to do.  I turned around so I wouldn't sneeze on Kelsey, who was in front of me...

I turned around and sneezed.

I opened my eyes.  There was a woman standing behind me.  I clearly sneezed all over her.

I didn't know what to do so I laughed in her face.

Awkward post number 1.